Thursday, February 24, 2005

Day 6 - Booty Blisters

I've got blisters on my booty. Yeah, it's hard to believe that I got bed sores after only 2 days, but I got a few. Even Julie, the nurse, couldn't believe that I had them. The good news is that I am now allowed to get up and walk around

I only noticed the bed sores after standing up from the chair I had been resting in. OK, yes, I was feeling my butt since the stretchy mesh underwear kinda sticks to you after a while.

Julie trained me on how to cap off the catheter. It's not too hard except it can just be a little messy. Basically, I squeeze the tube that leads out of the surgical site and then unplug the hose that leads to the foley bag. I then place caps into the hose taped to my stomach, and place a cap over the tube to the foley bag. I've noticed weird pains in my stomach, though, due to different pressures from the tube...especially when reconnecting to the foley bag or at the end of peeing/draining into the toilet. Releasing the tube slowly helps to not create too much of a pressure differential, but the rest of the pains I can't prevent.

10:00pm - After lunch, I finally took a shower. It definitely wasn't easy. After the drains are gone, things will hopefully change with the ease of taking a shower and getting around.

After the shower, I capped off and took a lap around the ward. I said hi to the two other Dr. Meltzer patients. Karista, the woman who was supposed to be before me was lying in bed. She's also from the Bay Area, but I don't think I've ever met her. Connie, who's closer to my age, and maybe younger than me, is from Minnesota and here with her partner. Connie had surgery yesterday and should be up tomorrow. I crashed for a 2 hour nap after the jaunt.

Mom, Amber, and I just watched a little TV tonite with Survivor and CSI on.
I'm still having slightly weird phantom pains/feelings as though my penis is hanging there. I know it's not, but it is totally weird.

So, how do I feel now that it is gone? Eh, I don't really have any feelings. OK, well, it still hurts a bit. It's swollen. It's hard to sit down. It's a pain to 'pee'. Oh yeah, it's everything I wanted so far.

Amber took pictures for me this morning and it looks a lot like hers did at this time...except, well, she had a better tan. Mine is still majorly swollen...more than I expected.

I've talked to numerous friends. Court and I talked for a while. She said hers is still swollen some 4 months later. She had the 1 stage with the dude in Canada, though.


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