Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I'm melting...melting...

I stopped hormones today. I’m still taking spiro, but Dr. Meltzer advises discontinuing the estrogen 3 weeks before surgery. So, no more Premarin...for a while. And in the future, I won’t be taking Premarin anymore anyway. My healthcare provider called with a message tonite that they are switching me over to Estradiol/Estrace instead of Premarin. A lot of people think it’s really bad to be taking horse estrogens, which might be right, but there really hasn’t been many studies on the HRT programs for transsexuals. Most oral estrogens work about the same, and as long as you’re smart with your prescriptions, there typically aren’t any problems. That means limited drinking, no smoking, and staying in shape.

Since stopping the hormones, though, I don’t feel any different, and probably won’t for some time since it takes quite a while to remove the estrogen from the system. It will hopefully be a slow decrease, but it could be similar to menopause.

I warned my boss last week that I had to stop the hormones this week, just to give him warning in case I start acting any more unusual than normal. “If I get out of hand, just yell, ‘Kara, stop it! It’s the hormones, remember?’ “ I told him.

It’s kinda funny, on my way to the Vagina Monologue’s meeting two nights ago, I was getting really irrate with all of the slow ass Sunday drivers. I laughed, thinking, “If I’m this pissy and moody with hormones, what am I going to be without them?” Actually, though, I’ve always been rather moody around bad and slow drivers. If you see me on the road, just pull to the side.


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